Winner of Best Zoological Resource 2016

Media Release
On Thursday 22 September at the Australian Museum, Sydney, a dedicated
group of volunteers was recognised by the Royal Zoological Society of
NSW’s Whitley Awards Committee when their publication ‘AN ATLAS OF THE
BIRDS OF NSW & THE ACT: Volume 2’ was announced as the Best
Zoological Resource published on any Australian fauna or flora during
2016. The 2nd Volume is one of a 3 part set which, when complete, will
cover every species found in NSW and the ACT, including the Lord Howe
group, and what needs to be addressed for the long-term welfare of each
Needless to say, the authors and the NSWBA were delighted! A total of 69 books were reviewed by the RZS across 12 categories including children’s books, field guides, and Multi-volume Handbooks of Fishes and Mammals of the world. To be considered the best of its kind amongst such highly esteemed works is indeed an honour.
The NSWBA Co-ordinator, David Martin, said “he was thrilled that the Whitley Award Committee of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW had recognised our Bird Atlas as the Best Zoological Resource published during 2016”. He added that “Our group is indebted to the dedicated band of birders who collaborated in systematically surveying New South Wales and its waters in order to document the changing distributions of those bird species that find their homes here. This commendation recognises the quality and excellence of the contribution the NSWBA is providing for Australian birds and their conservation.”

Award acceptance speech by Richard Cooper
Lead author Richard Cooper, in his acceptance speech, was generous in his praise of all the hundreds of contributors who had done the field work over 40 years. The RZS commendation reinforces the value of the work of the NSW Bird Atlassers Inc. and gave credit to the vision of the past and present members of NSWBA Committee, the many people who supported the data collection, contributed photographs and/or provided the much needed financial support.
The award presenter Dr Phil Straw said the incredible detail of the book was a key feature. When the final volume is published all Australian Bird species found in NSW and the ACT will have their current habitat, distribution, migratory habits and current status assessed. The Atlas is a benchmark for the scientist, environmentalist and field observer alike.

Three of the authors attending the Awards Presentation
L-R Brian Curtis, Ian McAllan and Richard Cooper
The Committee, Members and all Ornithological groups offer their congratulations!

Whitley Award 2016 Best Zoological Resource [Footnote: The NSW Bird Atlassers Incorporated (NSWBA) was established in 1982 as an independent, volunteer-based, non-profit group with the joint aims of monitoring the distribution of birds in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, preserving habitats, providing a proper basis for environmental impact studies and for other ornithological reference purposes.]